Tuesday, 29 September 2015


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This will really interest you.

Alastair's Story
Alastair Todd was once a wide-eyed professional eager to learn and 
advance. But things didn't exactly go as planned and he soon found 
himself struggling to achieve his career goals. He had to act, and act 
This is his story.
Once upon a time, I was young and enthusiastic. Being the teacher's pet, 
I was first to raise my hand to answer questions in class. It carried 
into professional life.
Reality Check
And something changed. Older, wiser, I started to notice less 
hardworking colleagues got the same pay rise. Where was I headed? 40 
more years of breaking my back for 1% pay rises, of being told what to 
do, with no influence and no freedom?
What to do about my fear of not being taken seriously, of not being able 
to convince clients to pay me?
Certifications to the rescue!
A lot of people said certifications were pointless. I realized that the 
truth was very different. Certifications give you credibility and show 
that you've made the effort, that you take your job seriously.
Every time I pass a certification, it enhances my CV and it opens doors 
to new opportunities. It makes me stand out from the rest, and it gets 
me work and my company new clients.
A small yet significant step
Certification may seem like a small thing, but it can be a the thing 
that someone else doesn't have. Life is short. Take control of your 
 Get certified.
Alastair discovered the power of certifications when his career started 
to go awry. You don't have to wait that long.
Enroll today on one of our professional certifications. 

Courses on Offer:
Project Management (PMP)
Human Resources Management (HRM)
Supply Chain Management (SCM)
Health, Safety and Environment (HSE1,2,3).

All courses are internationally recognised, relevant to all industry and cuts across all fields

What you get
 Get trained by seasoned professionals, with industry best practices and tools, complete with templates, etc.
Get certified and become a member of a budding and robust professional network.
See your career soar!!

Why The Wait Then?
Classroom training Starts 3rd Oct. ( one month training, Saturdays only.)
Enroll for our online training sessions and get 10% discount on all courses. Training is in same measure and depth.

Take a course now because when the going gets tough, the tough gets C E R T I F I E D

Contact Us today:


About Anonymous

Author is a contributor to www.oriakhideba.com

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