This will not make you rich, but it will make you at least $300 every single month.

Simply click the link below to set up your account. As soon as you register, you will be credited $20. You simply need to past your ref link on you social channels.
Don't worry, your friends don't have to join; only to click on your link. For every click, you make 5 bucks.
Cash out threshold is $300. You can cash you money through Paypal etc. every month,
You see, really simple.
Again, this won't make you a millionaire, it should can get you to the next busstop. What is more, there is no limit to how much you can earn!
NB: I am currently testing this to see how fast they pay (and they have been crediting my acccount). By month end, I will come with proof of payments or proof of their deceit. You may not regsiter now, just click (once will do) to check it out.