Monday, 9 November 2015

Zobo: and its benefits

Zobo drink is made from a flower called Hibiscus Sabdariffa. The flower also known as roselle is largely cultivated in the northern part of the country. In Senegal, it is called Jus de Bissap,
while Egyptains call it Karkady.
Zobo has a unique taste that makes it
pleasurable to all classes of people. In Nigeria and Senegal, Zobo is served cold, while it’s served warm in Egypt. It is a sharp tasting herbal infusion taken as tea or juice. The flower is also
used in making wine, juice, tea and spices. It can also be used in preparing raw salad. Serve chilled with snacks.
2 cups dried hibiscus flowers
5 cups water
½ bunch pineapple
2 tbs vanilla extract
¼ cup sugar
1 ½ tbs grated ginger
Lightly rinse the hibiscus flowers in cold water.
Wash the pineapple and peel the skin (though
some prefer to cook it with the skin). Slice and set aside.
Add the water in a pot and bring to a boiling point. As soon as it starts boiling, add the rinsed flowers, ginger and pineapple.
Cover and boil for 15 minutes.
Turn off the heat and allow cooling for 5 minutes.
Using a large bowl, put a paper towel inside a sieve, then drain the mixture (be sure flowers don’t go inside the bowl, and if possibly sieve).
Pour the drained mixture into a pitcher. Add additional water if desired and vanilla extract.
Taste to gauge the level of sweetness before adding sugar.
Stir and refrigerate. Best served chilled.
Health Benefits Of Zobo Drink
Hibiscus has been proven to reduce blood pressure and cholesterol levels.
It is caffeine-free and has 100 per cent of recommended daily Vitamin C.
Extracts of the flower is alkaline in nature and contains cleansing properties. It helps to keep the body’s pH balanced, (without white sugar).
The flower has pectin that can make a firm jelly.
The red flower contains antioxidants including flavonoids.
The fresh Hibiscus flower is also rich in riboflavin, vitamin C, niacin, carotene, calcium, and iron, which are all nutritionally necessary.


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