Friday, 13 November 2015


Masks are sweet coats
Dinosaur skins for lizards,
Scalpers are coke 
Melt in water profiting taste,
Scrabbled- words
Extricated thoughts,
Music of speedy worms 

Exerted force on listeners
Expired lovers immortality
In posthumous awards,
Albatrosses are nightingales
Wah-wah from broken guitar,
An elixir in words
Pizzas for mouth in restaurants
Taxed in falsity to ail fast,
Catch the words like a ball
Or it will roll away somewhere,
A plastic banana for a monkey
No good sundry trick
Vanilla flavor in ice-cream
Wax makes china walls
Venom of snake is medicine
For snake bite
Composed and copyright by Rajendra K. Padhi


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