Monday, 16 November 2015

Things Kids Want from TheirTeachers

Whether we are a teacher, parent, relative, boss, or community member, each of us has a chance to make a positive and impactful difference in a child’s life. As the saying goes " if you want a child to do what pleases your mind you have to give them what they want." But in order to do this, we must carefully consider this question:
What matters most to our children?
In schools nowadays, pupils want much from the teacher and expect a lot. We as a teacher we need to tend their life as well.

Here is a list of the 12 Most Important things that could help.
1. Greet your pupils each day,Wish them good morning, and send them off with a “see ya tomorrow.”
2. Smile. When you look at your pupils, let them see happiness in your eyes.
3. Give them your attention. Sit and talk with them privately; even if only for a second.
4. Imagine with your pupils; help them dream. Help me dream of things I might be able to do; not just the things I need to do now.
5. Give them challenging contents and assignments. Show them how to handle it. Teach them what to do.
6. Ask about their life. Inquire about how weekend goes, the game they played, the places they go. It shows you care about their happiness.
7. Let them have time. Time to let things sink in. Time to think. Time to reflect, process, and play.
8. Demand of them. Hold them accountable to high standards. Don’t let them get away with less if you know they are capable of doing better.
9. Notice them. Leave special messages in your friend desk or locker. Just a quick note that says you notice something right.
10. Give them chance to ask the questions. Even if their questions are off topic, let them ask them. It will show that they are  thinking about new perspectives, curious, and willing to learn more. Let them have the chance to show what they are wondering about, not just what they know.
11. Engage your pupils. They came to you in love with learning. Keep them excited, keep them wanting more.
12. Trust them. Believe that they can do it. Allow them the chance. I promise to show you I can.


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