Sunday, 1 November 2015

Manage a Skill, Build an Empire

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To The Serving Corps Member

A life everyone admires is a life of freedom. Freedom from want, low income etc.  The N.Y.S.C. offers a kind of haven to the serving corps member—you.  Yet someday, you will be through with the service scheme. The big question is ‘what next?’

This is why the Skill Acquisition and Entrepreneurial Development Scheme was established—a platform where the serving corps members can learn a skill that can sustain them way after the Service Year.  Benefits of the skills taught through the SAED scheme cannot be overemphasized. A lot of serving corps members have gone on to create wealth for themselves and others through the simple, yet potentially rewarding skills they learnt at the NYSC-SAED platform. You too can build a company, huge business out of the simple skill you will learn right from the Orientation camp. Seize on these advantage. Pick the one most suited to you now, and become independent tomorrow!

However, as important as learning a skill is, it is equally necessary to learn how to manage and harness such skill to its full capacity. One core way to bridge any career and professional gap is to take a course in management fields. Whether your need is a holding job, or it is your own turf/business you want to build, take a professional certificate in management. Management training(s) have proven to be the lifeline of any organization. Management courses skills and are integral to the successful establishment and management of any business or firm/company. The courses are as well needful to work efficiently in other establishments.

To build a business/company or firm out of a skill learnt, several things should be considered, first being creating an Organizational Direction—determining the mission, vision, goals, targets, objectives, etc. of the firm/company. Equally important here is the need to register your business name with Corporate Affairs Commission (but this can come a little later). Another is to conduct an Environmental Analysis (business SWOT analysis) and then formulate strategies, to mention a few.

PMDC can solve all your professional and career needs in management.

We will help you make the top of your career through our corporate classes and training. All courses are certificate based and highly sought-after 

Our courses are:
Project Management,
Health, Safety and Environment,
Human Resources Management,
Supply Chain Management,
Strategic Marketing and Product Design,
Business Development and Management.

These courses are available (and affordable) to serving corps members.

Join the next diet!!

07th —28th November, 2015 (Saturdays Only).
Training hold monthly in our centers.

*      145, Chief Melford Okilo Road, Opp. State House of Assembly, Amarata, Yenagoa, Bayelsa State.
*      32, Marcus Garvey, New Haven, Enugu, Enugu State.
Online Training Option available

For Enquiries:
For Registration:

  Many a time, your limitation is in your imagination.  


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