The night smiles upon my winter
Shower mist early from the known sky
Cleave me into silence of flowers
Shivering in cold to sigh and droop to the ground
Makes me a river snowing to be out of tune.
Eyes are flying from the sight of a lonely moon
Wearing shady blanket of feathery clouds
Carry out the routine like an old man slowly moving
Over the woods, over the fields in dew
I walk in stricken silence looking at my shadow
Dimming fast though grown longer than my body.
Wearing shady blanket of feathery clouds
Carry out the routine like an old man slowly moving
Over the woods, over the fields in dew
I walk in stricken silence looking at my shadow
Dimming fast though grown longer than my body.
I wake up to find me falling with leaves in wind
Autumn had left them yellow to wither in winter,
Life like fog waits for another morn to vanish
Winter is deepening inside me I listen to solitude
Another spring will not come – I can’t see in me
But season will change bringing new flowers.
Autumn had left them yellow to wither in winter,
Life like fog waits for another morn to vanish
Winter is deepening inside me I listen to solitude
Another spring will not come – I can’t see in me
But season will change bringing new flowers.
Composed and copyright by Rajendra K. Padhi