Everybody knows about jealousy, right? Maybe you've read the claim that a "little" jealousy is good for your love relationship or marriage, or that when your partner is jealous, it means that he or she really cares. If you struggle with jealousy, you probably know how painful and destructive it can be. Not only is jealousy not good for your relationship , it's not good for you either.
Even though you get that jealousy isn't a beneficial habit, it's one that remains tough to break. You've possibly tried to change your ways and stop being
jealous . You've probably tried really hard to erase the jealous thoughts that pop into your mind and then build up and cause you say or do things you later regret.
But ... You still get triggered easily. You still interrogate your partner, compare yourself to others and worry that you'll be betrayed and left.
This should be the mindset of everybody. If your neighbour, friend, colleague or mates are doing well or are succeeding in something, appreciate them and ask God for even better for them and yourself. Don't try to pull them down out of jealousy.
Envy/Jealousy is a terrible evil spirit and anyone who bears or carries such a spirit should be avoided like plague.
As long as you are living, you are going to be dealing with people – both those doing extremely well and those doing badly. Learn to deal with people in grace, honor and love because what you sow, you will reap. Learn to be challenged and not miffed by other people’s success. Learn to celebrate them even when you think you deserve it also. You will set an higher standard and set yourself up for a bigger miracle who you wholeheartedly celebrate the success of those better than you.
The fact that they have the upper hand doesn’t mean you won’t have it tomorrow, the fact that they are excelling today doesn’t mean that you can’t excel tomorrow, the fact that they seem to have more money than you today doesn’t mean you can’t have money tomorrow.
Success will not come to you when you think you are in constant competition rather it will come to you when you focus on self-development, service to humanity and a constant reminder that everyone, I mean everyone no matter how small or big are extremely important and a part of the bigger success you desire tomorrow.
The way you treat others will come back to you.
Avoid jealousy it kills