Thursday, 24 September 2015

How to Overcome Defeat

“Do The thing  you fear, and continue to do so. This is quickest and surest way of all victory over fear”. – Dale Carnegie
Do you ever feel like you’re in a race against something that does not want you to see the light of day?
It is called “defeat”, because
evidently that’s what will happen if it gets to the finish line first, and you know it because you’ve
been there. But it seems to get worse. Every time you go through another challenge, the circumstance is no doubt tougher than the last.
In the beginning, maybe you feared your own greatness; how amazing you can be and that kept you from advancing. But now that you’ve been through the ringer, there’s nothing that sounds
sweeter. You welcome the chance to finally be free and to finally taste the victory that awaits you.
“You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.” – Jim Rohn

Flood your mind with good, positive and uplifting information
This needs to be an intentional act in your life. If you’ve never met anyone who can completely re-invent himself and reclaim a future that’s not in any way dictated by his past.

Surround yourself with winners
People who are driven and like-minded like you, the coaches who want to help you get there, and the people who are already succeeding at a level you want to be at, are all part of that world of winners that you need to keep in your life.
It makes you much better because you start to take on their habits by nature. People pick up each other’s ways. If you hang around thugs, you’ll probably do thuggish things. If you hang around five millionaires, I’ve heard that you’ll probably soon become the sixth.
You are awesome do the best for yourself.


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