Wednesday, 12 August 2015

Matter of the heart. 1

A lot of people assume that all that matters is finding the right
person,falling in love...then
BOOM!happily ever
Any sensible married couple would tell you that Happily ever after in marriage requires hard work.
Patience,Tolerance and understanding are a must.
People need to realise that a relationship is a contract between two people working towards a common goal.
It's not a function of passion or chemistry though,these things count they are not The basis of a long-lasting relationships. Like every good thing in life,a great marriage requires patience and time. A united couple can stand against anything. Unity requires understanding
Communication is so very important in
relationships, all types of relationships, not just romantic relationships. And the communication includes both the verbal and nonverbal varieties.
A relationship is a connection and exchange between people. Communication plays a large role in the exchange between people. It exchanges information in the form of ideas, wants, desires, feelings, and much more.
Incomplete or stopped communication can create a block in the relationship. The degree of the block can vary with the severity or repeating of the communication stop. A block in the
relationship exists or will grow when
communication is just flat out avoided.


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