Yes, you may have trouble falling asleep (known as sleep-onset insomnia), but some people have problems staying asleep (sleep-maintaining insomnia) or waking up too early (early morning awakening).
Insomnia is a sleep disorder that is characterized by difficulty falling and/or staying asleep. People with insomnia have one or more of the following
* Difficulty falling asleep
* Waking up often during the night and having trouble going back to sleep
* Waking up too early in the morning
* Feeling tired upon waking.
Types of Insomnia
There are two types of insomnia: primary
insomnia and secondary insomnia.
Primary insomnia: Primary insomnia means that a person is having sleep problems that are not directly associated with any other
health condition or problem.
Secondary insomnia: Secondary insomnia means that a person is having sleep problems because of something else, such as a health condition (like asthma , depression, arthritis, cancer, or heartburn); pain; medication they are taking; or a substance they are using (like alcohol).
Develop a regular pattern of going to bed at a the same time each night , and getting up at about the same time each morning .
The bedroom should be comfortable and quiet and not the focus of arguments , anger or distress . Avoid clock -watching . Substances on which the patient may be dependent , or which cause intoxication or discontinuation syndromes , should be avoided
several hours before bedtime , e .g . caffeine .
Vigorous exercise, hard work, or activities requiring considerable concentration should not stop the time before going to bed.
If not sleeping , the patient should either relax bed and not think about sleep , or get up and in a dimly lit room until ready to settle to sleep again .
Daytime sleeping or naps tend to disrupt night time sleeping so that although the total hour sleep are preserved , the patient does not wake refreshed because they have less sleep at night
Regardless of the underlying cause , patients become worried and anxious that the forthcoming night may be disrupted, rather than enjoyed a refreshing sleep. Anxiety management and relaxation techniques may assist in controlling their concerns.