Earlier I had not seen God at the dusk
Morning wore me in works and words,
The savage moments blinded the truth
A black light caged the soul for songs,
My heart was enslaved of senses call
Hurried and worried for uncaring love,
Like a cascade I fell from the hilltop
Leaped and flung living a frugal life,
Scared of life as a dreadful dream
Winter emptied the fire in my blood,
Life was silent of voices from my soul
I slipped into the little nest in heart
Singing of Lord in an untutored way.
My eyes now glow with the stars in sky
Deeper and deeper in to their homes,
My body is strewn as a ring of light
Listened to silence in the space,
The words of wisdom reign on me
Greater is power of God for inner bliss,
The sunlight like a fairy of eternal smile
Never ceased for love in silent hours,
One of His eyes is sun the other moon
When in a depth I commune within
Watch the world through its veil,
The body is outer robe I am soul
If you confess to Lord arise from Man
You become His friend for timeless Bliss.
Composed and copy right by Rajendra K. Padhi
About Anonymous
Author is a contributor to www.oriakhideba.com